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  1. 关于交通规则的10条英文句子?


交通规则10条英语是:At night drives,whether no matter in the urban district,has to shine in front of the vehicle lamp.夜间开车,不论是否在市区之内,必须亮着车前的灯。we mustn;t park on the road.我们不能停在路上。

交通规则10条英语如下:Fasten the safety belt.翻译:永远系好安全带。Put your children in back!翻译:把您的孩子放在后座上!Never drunk drive!翻译:决不酒后驾驶!You always have to stop at a stop sign.翻译:在停车标志前,你永远要停。

Don;t Drink and Drive 严禁酒后开车 示例:Consider your safety. Don;t drink and drive.为你的安全着想,请不要酒后驾车。Road Work Ahead 道路施工 示例:They;re doing road work up ahead.前方有道路正施工。

. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults.1 Allowed the railings across the road.译:过马路时,看看周围。不在道路上打闹和跑跳。看到红灯停。看到的绿色光就行。

不能无证驾驶,应懂的交通安全规则 .A driver should know the traffic rules and he is not allowed to drive without driving license.遵守交通规则,不该闯红灯.One should obey the traffic rules and should not run the red light.不应该酒后驾车。

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